Get Involved

WAFA mem­ber­ship is an annu­al mem­ber­ship and based on the day you become a mem­ber, with your mem­ber­ship renew­al due 4 weeks before mem­ber­ship expiry.

Please take note: we have received reports that some of our messages are being marked as spam and sent to the spam folders of our members. This is primarily due to the use of work email addresses and stricter filters implemented by certain organizations, particularly government entities.

To ensure that you receive all of our communications, including our monthly newsletters and membership renewal notices, we recommend using a personal email address (if possible) when signing up. We appreciate your support and understanding!


From the 1st of Jan­u­ary 2023 WAFA will be reg­is­ter­ing for the GST that along with an increase in the cost of oper­at­ing means that for the first time in around 10 years the price of mem­ber­ships will be increasing.

From the 1/1/2023

The annu­al WAFA Indi­vid­ual Mem­ber­ship fee is $25 includ­ing GST.

The annu­al WAFA Organ­i­sa­tion­al mem­ber­ship fees are based on the size of your workforce:

  1. 1 — 49 staff and/​or vol­un­teers — $300 + GST
  2. 50 — 499 staff and/​or vol­un­teers — $600 + GST
  3. 500+ staff and/​or vol­un­teers — $900 + GST

Please note — Organ­i­sa­tion­al mem­ber­ship does not include indi­vid­ual mem­ber­ships for your workforce. 

Con­tact WAFA Admin for more information.

Please note that upon sign­ing up you will receive an auto­mat­ed email with the pay­ment options. Only once your pay­ment has been received will your account be activated.


Our organ­i­sa­tion was start­ed to help pro­mote and sup­port women in fire­fight­ing. Becom­ing a mem­ber allows you to embrace the oppor­tu­ni­ties, knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence that the WAFA team have to offer.

The WAFA Board is made up of both women and men from the fire­fight­ing and emer­gency ser­vices indus­tries from across Aus­trala­sia. They are all vol­un­teers, who are pas­sion­ate about women in fire­fight­ing and the abil­i­ty to sup­port not only indi­vid­u­als but organ­i­sa­tions that have women on their teams.


Becom­ing an organ­i­sa­tion­al mem­ber demon­strates your agen­cy’s com­mit­ment to women with­in your organ­i­sa­tion. Being a WAFA organ­i­sa­tion­al mem­ber will show­case your deter­mi­na­tion to facil­i­tate change and pro­mote diver­si­ty and sup­port women with­in the fire­fight­ing and emer­gency ser­vice industries.

WAFA pro­vides your organisation:

  • A por­tal to link to your organ­i­sa­tion’s web­site, increas­ing your abil­i­ty to attract female fire­fight­ers and sup­port staff.
  • Avail­abil­i­ty to pro­mote your organ­i­sa­tion by sub­mit­ting arti­cles to the quar­ter­ly newslet­ter, which is sent out to all our mem­bers and our inter­na­tion­al sis­ter organisations.
  • The oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a Gold, Sil­ver or Bronze Spon­sor of the bi-annu­al WAFA Con­fer­ence, giv­ing your staff access to up to 12 dis­count­ed con­fer­ence pack­ages to pro­mote their lead­er­ship and growth.
  • A pro­fes­sion­al organ­i­sa­tion to assist your staff with com­mon issues, through a pri­vate on-line forum avail­able to our members.
  • Access to men­tor­ing through our expe­ri­enced Board and oth­er trained members.

Sign up as an Organ­i­sa­tion Now


Becom­ing an indi­vid­ual mem­ber offers you a net­work­ing, sup­port and men­tor­ing tool for you to access as fre­quent­ly as required.

WAFA pro­vides you:

  • Dis­count­ed annu­al con­fer­ence rates
  • On-line mem­bers only forum to dis­cuss issues
  • Men­tor­ing program
  • Infor­ma­tion about jobs, research, and oth­er organisations
  • Access to fit­ness test­ing assistance
  • Per­son­al log-in details
  • Quar­ter­ly newsletter

Sign up as an Indi­vid­ual Now


Please con­tact us if you believe you can con­tribute to any of the above, any assis­tance is always real­ly appreciated!

Our enthu­si­as­tic board is in place and we are work­ing on some great new projects including:

  • Pro­mot­ing mem­ber­ship as an active and engaged pursuit.
  • What can YOU do for Aus­trali­a’s only Nation­al Women and Fire­fight­ing organisation?
  • How can we togeth­er make this a rel­e­vant, engaged and inter­est­ing network?
  • Plan­ning our 2023 con­fer­ence in Brisbane
  • If you have any thoughts on what you would like to see, or what you can add to the 2023 line up then please let us know.
  • WAFA Men­tor­ing Program.
  • An online men­tor­ing pro­gram aimed at link­ing aspir­ing fire­fight­ers with expe­ri­enced indus­try professionals
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