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The Board may resolve to nom­i­nate a per­son or per­sons for Hon­orary Life Mem­ber­ship on such terms as decid­ed by the Board.

(5) Mem­bers of the asso­ci­a­tion present at an Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing may, upon nom­i­na­tion by the Board, and by res­o­lu­tion of the mem­bers, declare any per­son who has ren­dered sig­nif­i­cant ser­vice to the asso­ci­a­tion, its aim or its objec­tives to be an Hon­orary Life mem­ber of the association.

  • Dr Merilyn Childs

    Dr Merilyn Childs was one of the key driving forces behind the formation of Women and Firefighting Australia. 

  • Steve O'Malley AFSM

  • Janine Taylor

    Janine Taylor has been involved with WAFA as a member since the early days of the organisation. She has been an active member assisting and presenting at several conferences. As a member of the Queensland Fire Department Janine has been a strong advocate for inclusive and safe workplaces her entire career. She has worked with a number of other organisation to share her wealth of knowledge. 

  • Cathryn Dorahy

  • Tamara Cambell

  • Nancy Boura

    Nancy was one of the early pioneers of women firefighters in the CFA (Country Fire Authority) joining the Upper Beaconsfield brigade in 1978. Initially joining as an auxiliary member, she and other females transferred across to being active firefighters in the 1980s under the tutelage of brigade captain Eric Bumpstead.

    Nancy was an active firefighter from 1981-2014, during which time she turned out over 1000 times, including for the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983 which were so devastating to her local community.

    She turned 95 this year and is still an active member of her brigade auxiliary to this day.

  • Anne Pickles




    Anne Pick­les is Man­ag­er Capa­bil­i­ty Pro­gram and Pol­i­cy in the Oper­a­tional Capa­bil­i­ty Direc­torate of Fire and Res­cue NSW (FRN­SW). Anne devel­oped FRNSW’s emer­gency man­age­ment pol­i­cy and plan­ning frame­work and leads the devel­op­ment of its emer­gency man­age­ment plans.

    Anne has worked for FRN­SW for more than 30 years, in which time she has been involved with near­ly every aspect of the ser­vice. Start­ing as the Librar­i­an, she was a founder mem­ber of the Aus­tralasian Librar­i­ans in Emer­gency Ser­vices (ALIES) net­work. Anne then moved

    into admin­is­tra­tion, gain­ing expe­ri­ence in knowl­edge man­age­ment, pol­i­cy and pro­ce­dure devel­op­ment, gov­er­nance and risk, strat­e­gy and plan­ning, and the work­ings of gov­ern­ment.

    In 2005 Anne was award­ed the Pub­lic Ser­vice Medal for out­stand­ing lead­er­ship in the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion man­age­ment prac­tices and coor­di­nat­ing the devel­op­ment of pro­ce­dures tar­get­ing the infor­ma­tion needs of fire­fight­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly in rela­tion to work health and safe­ty. Anne has also been award­ed the FRN­SW Long Ser­vice

    and Good Con­duct Medal and two Clasps.

    Anne was involved in the start-up of FRNSW’s Lessons Learned Cen­tre and works with fire­fight­ers to gath­er and analyse oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence and turn it into explic­it knowl­edge to dri­ve con­tin­u­ous improve­ment in safe­ty and ser­vice deliv­ery. 

    Anne cham­pi­ons diver­si­ty and inclu­sion in the devel­op­ment of FRN­SW strat­e­gy and pol­i­cy and is a mem­ber of the FRN­SW Women’s Inclu­sive Net­work.

    Anne became involved in WAFA when she attend­ed and was inspired by the 2018 WAFA Con­fer­ence in Welling­ton, New Zealand. Anne was elect­ed to the WAFA Board in 2018 and became Pres­i­dent at the 2021 Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing. Anne is also a mem­ber of the Aus­tralasian Women in Emer­gen­cies Net­work.

    Anne has a Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Library Sci­ence and a Bach­e­lor of Arts degree from Syd­ney Uni­ver­si­ty. She reads wide­ly and is an active cit­i­zen sci­en­tist con­duct­ing wildlife mon­i­tor­ing in her Local Gov­ern­ment Area.

    As a vol­un­teer, Anne con­tributed 20 years ser­vice to 2MBS-FM, a com­mu­ni­ty radio sta­tion broad­cast­ing clas­si­cal music. Cur­rent­ly, Anne does bush regen­er­a­tion with her local coun­cil and the Friends of Lord Howe Island. She enjoys eco-tour­ing in Aus­tralia and New Zealand and has a par­tic­u­lar fond­ness for islands.

    Anne was made a life member of WAFA in 2024

2025 BOARD

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