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About WAFA


To amplify the voices and lived experiences of women in the fire management sector, advocating for gender equity through collaboration with agencies, by operating as the peak body that empowers and supports women to reach their full potential.


As the peak body and leading voice for women in the fire management sector, WAFA advocates for gender equity, fosters professional growth, and creates a supportive environment for women in the industry.


The objectives of WAFA are to:

  1. Foster awareness of the contribution and capabilities of women in the sector;
  2. Celebrate achievements and facilitate discussion of the challenges and opportunities;
  3. Facilitate change through strong partnerships across the sector; and
  4. Generate opportunities for personal and professional development.


In 2005, the inau­gur­al Aus­tralasian Women in Fire­fight­ing Forum (WIFF 2005) was held at the Hol­i­day Inn, Syd­ney Airport.

Three res­o­lu­tions were made at this Forum:

  1. A report on the Forum was to be pre­sent­ed to the Aus­tralasian Fire and Emer­gency Ser­vices Author­i­ties Coun­cil (AFAC) — com­plet­ed in 2006;
  2. Anoth­er Con­fer­ence was to be held — Women in Fire­fight­ing 2006 was held at Dar­ling Har­bour in Syd­ney in June 2006; and
  3. A pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­a­tion was to be estab­lished for women in the Aus­tralasian fire­fight­ing industry.

Con­se­quent­ly, Women and Fire­fight­ing Aus­trala­sia (WAFA) was incor­po­rat­ed in Novem­ber 2007. Since that time WAFA has been steadi­ly work­ing to pro­mote women in fire­fight­ing by work­ing with organ­i­sa­tions, fire ser­vices and indi­vid­ual mem­bers.
WAFA has expe­ri­ence run­ning sev­er­al high­ly suc­cess­ful con­fer­ences since the inau­gur­al Women in Fire­fight­ing forum in Syd­ney in 2005. Since then con­fer­ences have been held in Dar­ling Har­bour, the Yarra Val­ley, Ade­laide, Can­ber­ra, Brisbane, Wellington NZ and most recently in Brisbane again in conjunction with AFAC23. For more information see our conference page.

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